Habitat and Location: Selaginella delicatula, commonly known as Delicate Spikemoss, is native to the humid, shaded understories of tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Thailand, and Malaysia. This terrestrial or epiphytic lycophyte thrives in damp, shaded environments with high humidity and is often found growing on forest floors, moss-covered rocks, or tree trunks in cloud forests and moist, shaded areas.
Description and Key Features: Selaginella delicatula is noted for its finely textured, lace-like foliage that forms a dense, mat-like ground cover. The delicate, feathery leaves are bright green, creating a soft, moss-like appearance that adds a lush, vibrant look to terrariums, vivariums, or shaded garden areas. This species spreads horizontally, sending out small creeping stems that root along the surface, making it an excellent choice for creating a carpet of greenery in moist environments.
Its intricate and elegant foliage makes Selaginella delicatula a popular choice for plant enthusiasts who appreciate its unique texture and ability to thrive in low-light conditions. It is a perfect addition to terrariums, fairy gardens, or as a soft ground cover in shaded garden beds.
Care Instructions:
For optimal growth, Selaginella delicatula should be placed in low to moderate, indirect light. Avoid direct or bright sunlight, which can scorch its delicate leaves. The plant prefers a consistently moist environment, so ensure it is planted in a well-draining yet moisture-retentive substrate, such as a mix of synthetic peat moss, moss and perlite. Keep the soil evenly moist at all times, avoiding both waterlogging and dryness. Misting the plant regularly will help maintain the high humidity it prefers.
Maintain a warm and humid environment with daytime temperatures ranging from 18-25 degrees Celsius and nighttime temperatures between 15-18 degrees Celsius. Selaginella delicatula thrives in high humidity, ideally above 70%, so it is well-suited for closed terrariums or other humid environments. Regular misting or placing the plant near a humidifier can help maintain the necessary moisture levels. Fertilize sparingly, using a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks.
Plant Size: recently divided pieces, generally 7-12 cm across. Plants potted with moss.
Family: Selaginellaceae
Plant Passport: A Selaginella delicatula B 140084 c 12946 d GB
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SKU: Selaginella delicatula
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