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Habitat and Location:

Peperomia ferreyrae is a succulent plant native to Peru. Plants grow as terrestrials or semi lithophytes in dry seasonal forests and in direct sunlight.


Description and Key Features:

Peperomia ferreyrae is noted for its distinctive, slender, and fleshy leaves that resemble green bean pods or elongated peas. These bright green, almost translucent leaves are arranged in a dense, rosette-like pattern, giving the plant a unique and attractive appearance. Peperomia ferreyrae may occasionally produce small, inconspicuous flowers on slender spikes from the apices of the stems. The base of the stem can get quite thick on established plants and plants attain heights of 40-60 cm.


This species is a compact and visually appealing addition to any plant collection, whether in a greenhouse, dry terrarium, or as a houseplant. This species is particularly suitable for growing in a vivarium with reptiles. Its unusual leaf shape and vibrant colour make it an attractive choice for various indoor settings.


Care Instructions:

For optimal growth, Peperomia ferreyrae should be placed in bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate lower light conditions, it thrives best with ample, filtered sunlight. DFont place plants in direct sunlight without air movement as their leaves will scorch in such an environment. Ensure the plant is in a well-draining gravel and grit mix, as it is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Water the plant moderately, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings, and reduce the frequency during the cooler months.


Maintain an intermediate to warm environment with daytime temperatures ranging from 20-32 degrees Celsius and nighttime temperatures between 15-20 degrees Celsius. Peperomia ferreyrae prefers humidity between 50-65% but can adapt to average household humidity levels. Regular misting helps mimic dew that the plant would get in the wild.




Plant Size: Mature size, suitable for potting or as part of a terrarium.

Family: Piperaceae

Plant Passport: A Peperomia ferreyrae B 140084 c 12603 d GB

Peperomia ferreyrae

SKU: Peperomia ferreyrae
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