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Gomesa colorata is a pseudobulbous epiphytic orchid native to Espírito Santo, Brazil. It grows primarily in the wet tropical biome, favoring humid environments. ​Plants of the World


Gomesa colorata is a miniature orchid with small, attractive red and yellow flowers. The flowers are known for their vibrant colors, adding a touch of brightness to any collection. However, it's important to note that the flowers emit an unpleasant odor, which may be a consideration for indoor cultivation.


To cultivate Gomesa colorata successfully, provide bright, indirect light to promote healthy growth and flowering. Intermediate temperatures are suitable, with a range of 23°C to 28°C during the day and 15°C to 20°C at night. Maintain high humidity levels, ideally between 60% and 80%, to mimic its native environment. Ensure good air movement around the plant to prevent fungal issues. Water regularly, keeping the roots moist but allowing them to dry slightly between waterings to prevent root rot. A well-draining mix, such as orchid bark combined with perlite, is recommended. Be cautious not to overpot, as Gomesa species are susceptible to poorly aerated potting media. Additionally, providing a rest period during the winter months by reducing watering can encourage blooming. ​



  • Plant Size: young plants on mounts

  • Plant Family: Orchidaceae

  • Plant Passport: Gomesa colorata B 140084 C 13300 D GB

Gomesa colorata

SKU: Gomesa colorata
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