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Habitat and Location:

Goeppertia makoyana, commonly known as Calathea makoyana or Peacock Plant, is a tropical perennial plant native to the Atlantic rainforests of Brazil. This species typically inhabits open and shaded understories of these forests.


Description and Key Features:

Goeppertia makoyana is noted for its striking, decorative foliage. The plant features large, lanceolate shaped leaves with intricate patterns resembling peacock feathers, hence its common name. The leaves have a light green background with dark green feather-like markings and purplish undersides, creating a captivating visual display.


This species is a visually appealing addition to any plant collection, whether in a greenhouse, terrarium, or as a houseplant.


Care Instructions:

For optimal growth, Goeppertia makoyana should be placed in average to low light. While it can tolerate moderate light conditions, it thrives best with lower sunlight. Ensure the plant is in a well-draining soil mix, such as a tropical terrestrial potting media, to maintain adequate moisture without waterlogging. Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not soggy, and reduce the frequency during the cooler months when the plant's growth slows.


Maintain an intermediate to warm environment with daytime temperatures ranging from 18-32 degrees Celsius and nighttime temperatures between 14-23 degrees Celsius. Goeppertia makoyana prefers high humidity. Avoid placing the plant in drafts or sudden temperature changes, as it is sensitive to such conditions.




Plant Size: Mature size, suitable for potting or as part of a terrarium.

Family: Marantaceae

Plant Passport: A Goeppertia makoyana B 140084 c 12881 d GB

Goeppertia makoyana

SKU: Goeppertia makoyana
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