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Habitat and Location:

Delosperma echinatum, commonly known as the Pickle Plant, is a succulent plant native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This species typically inhabits rocky hillsides and coastal areas, thriving in well-drained, sandy soils and sunny environments.


Description and Key Features:

Delosperma echinatum is noted for its unique, cylindrical leaves that are covered in soft, bristly hairs, giving the plant a textured and tactile appearance reminiscent of a pickle. The leaves are bright green and form dense clusters. This species produces vibrant, daisy-like flowers that are usually yellow or white, adding a striking contrast to its foliage.


This species is a compact and visually appealing addition to any succulent collection, whether in a greenhouse, outdoor garden, or as a houseplant. Its distinctive leaf texture and bright flowers make it an attractive choice for various settings.


Care Instructions:

For optimal growth, Delosperma echinatum should be placed in bright, or even direct sunlight if air movement is given. While it can tolerate some partial shade, it thrives best with ample sunlight. Ensure the plant is in a well-draining mix with gravel and grit, such as a cactus or succulent mix, as it is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Water the plant moderately, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce the frequency during the cooler months.


Maintain an environment with daytime temperatures ranging from 18-24 degrees Celsius and nighttime temperatures between 10-15 degrees Celsius. Delosperma echinatum prefers low to moderate humidity and can adapt well to average household humidity levels. Avoid excessive misting, as the plant prefers drier conditions.




Plant Size: Mature size, growing in our gravel/grit media.

Family: Aizoaceae

Plant Passport: A Delosperma echinatum B 140084 c 12616 d GB

Delosperma echinatum

SKU: Delosperma echinatum
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