Coelogyne x intermedia is a natural hybrid found across the Himalayan region. The parents are Coelogyne cristata and Coelogyne flaccida, making the plant the same as the hybrid Coelogyne Unchained Melody. Inflorescences bear several flowers which measure c8cm across. Plant blooms during the spring.
This plant is flowering size. Grow Coelogyne x intermedia in a pot, with moderate shade and never in direct sunlight, plants like a drier period during the winter months. Plants grow well in an intermediate to cool greenhouse and can be grown indoors if grown in suitable conditions. plants will grow safely outdoors but need protection with temperatures under 4 degrees.
Plant Size: Flowering size with 4-7 pseudobulbs
Family: Orchidaceae
Plant Passport: A Coelogyne x Intermedia B 140084 c 11955 d GB
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SKU: Coelogyne x intermedia
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